
Dance Triennale Tokyo 2012



Why Do We Dance?

with simulataneous interpretation in Japanese

Dance has become a compulsory subject at middle schools since this year. In the educational scene, dance is expected to serve as a means not only to provide a full body workout, but also to cultivate one’s imagination to form images, enhance one’s powers of expression and enrich the ability to communicate. In this symposium, educationists, critics and artists are invited as panelists to reconsider the possibilities and roles of dance in contemporary society through divers perspectives such as dance and the body, dance and the human beings, dance and education, dance and the mode, dance and tradition, and dance and visual perception.

day & time : 10.6 sat 17:00~19:30 (16:30 open)
venue : U Thant International Conference Hall, United Nations University


Ryoichi Enomoto
(Creative Director / Director of ATAMATOTE International / Professor at Kyoto University of Art and Design)

Ryohei Kondo
(Dancer / Choreographer / Director of the Condors Company)


Hisafumi Iwashita (Author)
Kazuko Takahashi (Professor at Yokohama National University)



TICKET : 1,000 (In advance only)   ON SALE from 9.18 tue
free seating/entrance in the order of ticket number

*The door will open 30 minutes prior to the show. (Please note that for the performance by Yasmeen Godder, the door will open 15 minutes prior to the show.)

*No admission allowed for pre-school children.

Dance Triennale Tokyo ONLINE TICKETS  *Japanese only 
TEL.0120-240-540(weekdays 10:00 – 18:00) *Confetti Tickets Center

【Co-Organizers】United Nations University



What Should be Thought of Dance in Asia?

Contemporary dance in Asia has been drawing worldwide attention. Body culture backed up by rich traditions and the complex process of modernization vary from region to region, and it seems impossible to grasp the whole picture. We are thus not able to expect what comes out from where, as it is the case with “Animal Pop” developed by Jecko Siompo (Indonesia), a participating artist in this festival this year. What do producers and curators working actively in different regions in Asia daily experience and what are their thoughts? It is a forum where dance in Asia will be discussed based on the personal experiences and points of view.

day & time:10.9tue 14:30~17:30 (14:00 open)
venue : Room 1001, National Children’s Castle

Daisuke Mutoh (Dance Critic / Associate professor at Gunma prefectural women’s university)

Tang Fu Kuen (Critic / Dramaturge / Producer, Singapore)
Myra Beltran (Director, Wifi Body Festival, Philipin)

Atsuko Hisano (Program Director, The Saison Foundation)
Seiya Shimada (Assistant Director, Overseas Program Coordination Div., Overseas Policy Planning Dept., The Japan Foundation)

Admission free


Please write down the name of the artist, date(s) and time, together with your name, age, postal code and address, telephone and fax number, e-mail address, and send the form to Aoyama Theatre/Aoyama Round Theatre by e-mail or fax.
We will send you a confirmation (map of the venue, method of payment etc.) after receiving the registration form.

Related Talk Session

Meets the Artist Alain Platel on Out of Context – for Pina
Focusing on “Out of Context – for Pina” to be presented at Dance Triennale Tokyo 2012, Mr. Alain Platel will talks about the methodology of creation in his company les ballets C de la B, by showing images of his past pieces.

day & time : 10.4 thu11:00~13:00

venue : Waseda Campus, Waseda University

Organised by Collaborative Research Center for Theatre and Film Arts, Theatre Museum, Waseda University (Research Project “Creation in Performing Arts and Its Environment in / outside Japan”)