This new opus revolves around “fashion,” which some even liken to a “new-age religion.” Based in the Netherlands, pianist Tomoko Mukaiyama collaborates with ten dancers from the Spellbound Contemporary Ballet based in Rome, Italy in this piece. “La Mode” is an attempt to attack fashion from a distinctive perspective, in a theatrical and artistic space created by the architectural design firm Toyo Ito & Associates and textile designer Yoko Ando. It explores the power, sexuality, desire, self-expression, and social meaning of contemporary fashion through music, performance, and on-stage installations. It was selected for performance at the official opening of the National Taichung Theater (designed by Toyo Ito & Associates) in the city of Taichung, Taiwan in the fall of 2016, and will make its Japanese debut in Tokyo thereafter.
Concept & Artistic Direction: Tomoko Mukaiyama
Composition: Yannis Kyriakides
Choreography: Dunja Jocic in cooperation with Spellbound dancers
Choreographic Assistance: Alessandra Chirulli, Luca Cacitti
Set Design: Toyo Ito & Associates, Architects, Yoko Ando
Costume Design: Slavna Martinovic
Lighting Design: Tanja Ruehl, Julian Marmsoler (operation)
Technical Direction: Yutaka Endo (LUFTZUG)
Sound Technician: Yuji Tsutsumida (WHITELIGHT)
Performance: TomokoMukaiyama(piano),Spellbound Contemporary Ballet, Sarah Murphy (dance)
Dancers of Spellbound Contemporary Ballet: Fabio Cavallo, Maria Cossu, Claudia Mezzolla,Giuliana Mele, Violeta Wulff Mena, Giovanni La Rocca, Mario Laterza, Giacomo Todeschi, Serena Zaccagnini
Commission: National Taichung Theatre
Production: Tomoko Mukaiyama Foundation
Co-production: Spellbound Contemporary Ballet
Associated Co-production: Dance New Air, Japan
Partnership: Transart festival, Italy
Funding: Fonds Podiumkunsten, Stichting Ammodo
Sponsorship: Shiseido Company, Limited
Special thanks to Multus, BIGI, Ambassadevanhet Koninkrijkder Nederlandends in Tokyo
Speaker System Support: Taguchi
Microphone Support: MediaIntegration, EarthworksMicrophone
初演 Premiere: September, 2016 National Taichung Theater (Taiwan)